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Civil Engineering Engineering Hydrology


Civil Engineering Hydrology

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Hydrology deals with the origin, occurrence, circulation, distribution, the physical and chemical properties of water and its interaction with living organisms. Hydrology is an essential field of science since everything from tiny organisms to individuals to societies to the whole of civilization - depends so much on water.

Water Management

The activity of planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources.

Introduction to Engineering Geology & Seismology Online Engineering Hydrology Origin of the Earth - Theories and Hypothesis Origin of Hydrology

Onlin What we study in hydrology?

Onlin Hydrological Cycle

Onlin Water Balance Components

Onlin Hydrological Soil Groups

It was along the Indus in Pakistan, the Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia, the Hwang Ho in China, and the Nile in Egypt that the first hydraulic

History of Hydrology

History Stages in the History of Hydrology

Origin Development of Hydrology

Interior of the Earth Evaporation in Engineering Hydrology The Geological Cycle - Rock Formation Precipitation

Onlin Definition of Evaporation

Onlin Process of Evaporation

Onlin Factors affecting evaporation

Onlin Measurement of Evaporation

Onlin Definition of Precipitation

Onlin Factors affecting Precipitation

Onlin Measurement of Precipitation

Onlin Mechanism of Precipitation

Onlin Forms of precipitation

Rock Forming Minerals Applications of Engineering Hydrology
  1. Applications in Design & Operation of Hydraulic Structures
  2. Planning & Building of Hydraulic Structures
  3. Prediction of floods
  4. Design of Water Supply Schemes
  5. Prediction of Precipitation
  6. Design of Drainage Systems
Rock Forming Minerals Flood Runoff Analysis Rock Forming Minerals Ground Water Occurrence and Supplies

Run-off analysis taking into account physical processes have been able to be carried out due to sophisticated computers. River basin is formed by a flow in a river channel, an infiltration flow and a groundwater flow that have different hydraulic characters.

The Bureau of Reclamation has used a method called, “Snow Compaction Method for the Analyses of Runoff from Rain on Snow.” This method requires air temperatures, wind speeds, forest cover percentages, snow depths, and now densities at various elevation bands. When the snow melt runoff is expected to contribute to the more [Read More]

Water is an essential requirements for all forms of the life and is considered as integral part of the living organisms life. GOD has gifted our universe with bulk amount of this valuable substance in different forms such as... read more [Read More]

  1. Rivers
  2. Lakes
  3. Natural springs
  4. Rain
  5. Snow
  6. Glaciers
  7. Aquifers etc
Rock Forming Minerals Estimation of Missing Precipitation Data Rock Forming Minerals Sources of Errors in Measuring Precipitation
  • Some precipitation stations may have short breaks in the records because of absence of the observer or because of instrumental failures. It is often necessary to estimate this missing record.
  • In the procedure used by the U.S. Weather Bureau, the missing precipitation of a station is estimated from the observations of precipitation at some other stations as close to and as evenly spaced around the station with the missing record as more [Read More]
  • Some water is used to wet the surface of instrument.
  • The rain recorded may be less than the actual rainfall due to the direction of the rainfall as affected by wind.
  • Dents in the collector and tube may also cause error.
  • Some water is absorbed by the measuring stick.
  • Losses due to evaporation can also take more [Read More]
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